The apps that make digital nomad/surf/vanlife a lot easier (and thus more fun)

I remember the days traveling around China, pre-google translate and pre-google maps. Getting to your next destination by train meant comparing the caracters you had in your guide book with those on the train schedule. And sure, it happened that one was off just a little bit and I ended up in a very different city than I had intended too. These things are hardly bound to happen anymore now, as I make my way through this world equipped with apps for vanlife/surf/digital nomad. Sure, there are so many that we have no idea where to start, but I made the first selection for you, based on whether you want to surf (for example in Northern Spain), work remotely (still not doing this?) and/or road trip.



A lifesaver for vanlifers, this crowdsourced app tells you where you can park your van, during the day, during the night, paid or for free; it tells you where there are campsites or you can change your water. Once a spot is online, often users will give feedback on whether it´s a good place or maybe it has been closed. Seriously, I follow this one blindly during my road trips!


Because sometimes, you need to be in the city, want a real shower, want to be with other people, or simply… need a hostel/hotel for the night. These apps show you accommodation, availability, facilities, prices, ratings and you can book right away using the app. 

Google Maps/

What would I do without navigation. Seriously?! Both have the option to download offline maps (remember to do so when you still have connection) for when you go somewhere where you will not have internet access. 

Google Translate

Let´s say that it makes traveling in Asia a whole lot easier. You can, of course, type and translate. But you can also speak, and it then either translates in text, or translates into another spoken language. Great for interacting people that aren´t very comfortable with reading. You can also scan a text and it translates as you go! Great if you need some specific info within a very large text.


I need my little music, while driving, while working, while.. anything really 😉 I like that Spotify also created ´daily mixes´ based on what I have been listening to before, and I have to say, they get my random style 😉



This surfing app shows you surf spots in your area, it tells you whether is sand, rocks or reef, which tide works best, if it´s full of locals, what facilities there are and off course, a 7-day preview. For my surf road trips I tend to go to all the different beaches marked in the app and check them out for myself. 

Remote Work

Not an app, but more of a website, this place lists coworking places around you. It gives you the prices, ratings and what facilities it comes with. You can also book a tour through the website or reserve a space. I have used this website definitely more than once. 

WiFi Map 

A crowdsourced database of free WiFi networks and their passwords. You can either search the map or scroll down to go through the list of nearby WiFi spots, sorted by distance. The app lists all networks people have ever added to the database, though sometimes the passwords can be out of date. But the list shows you the network speeds as well as when they were last used; you are also able to filter for both criteria.


Great because it gives you a lot of useful information upfront. Just click on “Nearby” and you’ll get a handy list sorted by distance, wifi speeds, access to power outlets and type of available seating. 


For the remote worker, this is how I set up my calls and connect using my phone. I don´t think much more explanation is needed. 


With my team, we use Slack to communicate internally and across projects. Having the app on my phone I get notified of new messages and I can easily reply. 

Anything else you might need!

XE exchange

Never will I be standing in front of an atm anymore, trying to do really quick math and a) have my transaction canceled because I took too long b) make a calculation mistake and take out 6,- worth of foreign money, for a bank fee of 4,- 🙁

Banking app

I like to stay up to date about how my finances are looking. I just quickly glimpse on my bank account every once in a while. Basically all banks now have an app, through which you can make transfers easily (either through mobile pay or directly to another bank account). 


I love this free app version of the more detailed Adobe package. True, for real editing I still use my Lightroom application on my computer, but for a quick touch-up (especially to bring back colors) I quickly touch some buttons on Lightroom and even the crappiest phone photo will look like it was taken with my DLSR camera


Invented in The Netherlands, this app shows you any rain that is coming your way, and most importantly, until when. Not an issue in Southern Spain, but very good to know in the more rainier of countries 😉 

So, these are my favorite apps for vanlife/surf/digital nomad. What are yours??? Please let me know!