7 Instagram accounts to follow to get all your female vanlife inspiration (and that do NOT have tangas in front of vanlife views)

I have one rule when it goes about Instagram accounts related to vanlife and females: once it is needed to have the ´typical´ photo of a certain female body with just a bikini bottom, from the perspective of ´ass in bikini bottom laying on the vanlife bed, staring into an X landscape (which, after the whole bikini ass perspective, doesn´t really matter anymore). Come on, there are so, so, so many pictures and perspectives you could take. Luckily, there are a whole bunch of accounts out there that post about their lives and realities of living in a van as female human beings, and even better when they are surfers and remote workers like myself. So, to navigate across this forest of accounts, here I will share my favorite Instagram accounts to follow for female vanlife.

Why do I like to follow specific accounts from female vanlifers?

Let´s be totally honest, the world, also the vanlife world, is still a bit different for solo male and female travelers. No, I don´t think that´s normal. But yes, I know that in 2021 this is still the reality. Therefore, I like a female opinion on what is ´safe´, and little things to take into account.


A collection of posts from different individual accounts, celebrating the badass women that are out there on the road! What I like is that is shows all the different settings (married, with children, hetero or gay, practicing yoga or surf, working or not) vanlife can mean to a woman. This is your secret portal to finding all kinds of Insta accounts to follow.

Project Vanlife and Vanlifdistrict

Not only for and from female vanlifers, but anything and anyone. They show really cool builds, tips and tricks on everything, men, women, animals. Everything! They both have a whole bunch of followers worldwide and are basically go-to´s when it comes to vanlife!

A Girl and Her Van

The name already says it all! All about building a van from scratch as well as tips on traveling Australia with a van. Though she is now making some trips and builds with her boyfriend, there is still enough info on female vanlifing. 

The Wayward Blonde

Kickass solo female vanlifer with the cutest vanbuild, full of ideas on how to take cool photos even if you don´t have a vanlife companion to take them for you. I personally really love her account as it´s honest and really all about solo female vanlife!

Antoinette Yvonne

Unfortunately, most vanlife accounts still seem to be full of white people with perfect fitness bodies. Something that doesn´t entirely inspire anyone who falls out of that boat. This is why I love Antoinette Yvonne. A kickass woman of color living in a van, sharing all about her travels around the US and Mexico. 

Vanilla Icedream

A German girl and her dog, traveling Europe in a van. How much better can it get really? I love the fact that she is all hands-on, building her own van, daily reminders and inspiration.

Judith Noordzij

Though not a solo female vanlifer, and though they just last week finished their 1.5-year vanlife trip. Judith is an inspiring example of taking the leap, but also that things take their time. Making decisions that you weren´t expected to take. This Dutch traveler is a speaker and coach and writes the most inspiring descriptions to her photos.

Now it´s time for you to share? Who deserves to be on the list of Instagram accounts to follow for female vanlife.

Other than my own account @thenonmad, of course 😉 After all, though not entirely solo anymore either, I have done my share of female solo travel, with and without van and sharing all kinds of info for living on the road as a solo female.